Marchogion Crwydrol: Taith trwy berfeddwlad Sbaen

Marchogion Crwydrol: Taith trwy berfeddwlad Sbaen

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[“Wandering Knights: A Journey through central Spain”] Midsummer; and – somewhat thoughtlessly perhaps – the author, his wife and their battered old red Volvo set out on a journey through La Mancha and Extremadura, the torrid heartlands of Spain.

From the windfarms of Don Quijote’s La Mancha, they proceed to Almagro, home of the Calatrava Knights, and La Vera, where the all-powerful emperor Charles V spent his gout-ridden final months in the monastery of Yuste … Then to the hills of Las Hurdes, “the land without bread” … and to Mérida, once capital of Roman Spain, now a treasury of graceful ruins … Finally, to the famous shrine of Guadalupe, and an unexpected meeting with a miraculous image of the Virgin.
But heat is the enemy. Among these lovely and historic places, shade is the ideal, an icy granizado the sought-for refuge …

ISBN: 9781855968578