Mae teulu'r Llygod yn symud tŷ heddiw, ac mae antur yn y jyngl o'u blaenau nhw. Mae Mrs Llŷg wedi gofyn i bob un ddal yn sownd yng nghynffon y llall rhag i neb fynd ar goll. Ond daliwch yn sownd, ble mae Gwion? Mae Gwion bach yn colli ei ffordd ac wrth iddo geisio cyrraedd ei deulu annwyl, mae'n mynd i drafferth o hyd. Bydd yn ofalus a gwylia, Gwion!
It's moving day for the Shrew family, and they have quite the jungle adventure ahead of them. Mrs Shrew has asked them all to hold onto each other's tails so that nobody gets lost. But hold on – where is Gwion?
It's moving day for the Shrew family, and they have quite the jungle adventure ahead of them. Mrs Shrew has asked them all to hold onto each other's tails so that nobody gets lost. But hold on – where is Gwion?