Glas y Sierra: Taith trwy ddwyrain Sbaen

Glas y Sierra: Taith trwy ddwyrain Sbaen

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[“Sierra Blue: A Journey through eastern Spain”] “It was a bad omen … I should have realised that a jinx had settled on my shoulder, like a malicious little yellow bird, ready to scatter a host of minor misfortunes over our holiday …”

As indeed happens. The author’s battered Volvo Estate breaks down twice and collides with Arabs on the autopista … His wife’s handbag is stolen in Paris …There is torrential rain in Medinaceli and impenetrable fog at Loarre Castle … And his hearing aid drowns in a washing machine …

But Roger and Anne Boore have better luck elsewhere on their journey through eastern Spain and beyond … children’s games in Denia and Almazán … the gripping story of the siege of Numantia … the star-crossed Lovers of Teruel … bright white fields at Imón … ancient towns of Albarracín and Calatañazor … Piedra Monastery, “the most beautiful place in the world” … Not to mention the subtle charm of Poissy Police Station …

ISBN: 9781855968950