Tad-cu a’i Gysgod

Tad-cu a’i Gysgod

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Wrth i Tad-cu gysgu yn ei gadair o flaen y tân, daw ei gysgod yn fyw a dyna ddechrau ar noson llawn drygioni a direidi. Mae Sarsiant Nab a Plismon Traed Mawr, Gladys Gludiog, Doctor Cwac a’i gi Mot Smotyn i gyd yn rhan o’r trafferthion y mae cysgod Tad-cu yn eu creu. Mae’n hwyr, ond mae’r hwyl ar fin dechrau.

As Tad-cu sleeps in his fireside chair his shadow comes alive, and that is the start of a night of mischief. Sarsaint Nab and Plismon Traed Mawr, Gladys Gludiog, Doctor Cwac and his dog Mot Smotyn are all part of the troubles created by Tad-cu’s shadow. It’s late, but the fun is about to start.

ISBN: 9781855967052