Siencyn a Dan Draed

Siencyn a Dan Draed

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Siencyn is a tramp. He has neither home, nor money, and as he has lost his memory, he has no past either. But Dan Draed, a three-legged circus dog, comes to Siencyn’s rescue.

Crwydryn yw Siencyn. Does ganddo ddim cartref, nac arian, a gan ei fod wedi colli ei gof, does ganddo ddim gorffennol chwaith. Chwilio am rywle sych a chynnes i gysgu ynddo, ac am rywbeth i’w fwyta yw prif broblemau Siencyn, ond daw tro ar fyd pan mae’n cwrdd â Dan Draed, ci bach teircoes sy’n perfformio mewn syrcas greulon.

ISBN: 9781855968295