Cyfres Lliw a Llun: Y Ci Robot

Cyfres Lliw a Llun: Y Ci Robot

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A Welsh adaptation of The Robodog (Colour Young Puffin). Gareth and Siwan dream of having a dog, but their Dad is allergic to dog hair! So Mum builds Sglod the robot dog. Now they have a pet dog at last! Gareth and Siwan think their Robodog is brilliant - but the snooty neighbours laugh at Sglod. They say he's not a proper dog! But Robodog decides to prove them wrong.

Byddai'r plant wrth eu bodd yn cael ci, ond mae gan Dad alergedd at gŵn, felly mae Mam yn cael syniad ac yn adeiladu ci robot! Beth, tybed, fydd y ci crand drws nesa' yn ei feddwl o'r ci robot? Addasiad Cymraeg o The Robodog. Addas i blant 5-8 oed.